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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  May 20, 2018 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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emily's not there. she's not there for them. and for me, to share in it. it's hard. >> that's all for now. i'm craig melvin. thanks for watching. a very good morning to you. ic i'm richard lui here in new york. it's 7:00 out east, 4:00 out west. here's another report with the president's son having another meeting in trump tower. and new reports of an fbi informant looking into the trump campaign. and ready to launch? the actions democrats want to take after november. and the long list of targets on their list. plus, rudy giuliani, what he said about robert mueller and agreed to do about a potential interview with the president. we'll start this hour with a live look at the white house
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wrapping up the attacks against the justice department amid the reports that the fbi used an informant in the early stages of the russia investigation. president trump tweeted, if the fbi or doj was infiltrated a campaign for the benefit of another campaign, that is a really big deal. only the release or review of documents that the house intelligence committee, also senate judiciary, is asking for can give the conclusive answers. drain the swamp. the white house also reigniting its call for an end to the mueller investigation now entering its second year. >> we have given over millions of pieces of paper. we spent countless hours cooperating with mr. mueller, giving them time, information and we have nothing to show for it other than the fact that the american people have been set down this road of nothing. there's nothing there, there's no corruption, there's no collusion. we're still dealing with this.
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>> that comes amid a new report from the new york times about a trump meeting for the campaign involving foreign companies seeking to help the trump team. donald trump jr. and other campaign aides reportedly met with an israeli specialist in social media manipulation as well as an adversary who represented saudi arabia and the united arab emirates for the first time in august of 2016. that adversary has been cooperating with the investigation. thank you for being with us on this sunday morning. liz, how significant when you look at the report from the new york times on the up trump tower meetings are? >> for me there are two big takeaways. "the new york times" reports that robert mueller was interviewing people in this meeting in recent weeks. so we know that president trump is very impatient for this investigation to wind down. you heard one of his press
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secretaries complaining about all the hours they have spent, all the documents they have turned over. and this report really confirms something that i think a lot of people have suspected, which is mr. mueller's in the very intense phase of this investigation. this is not an investigation winding down. this meeting opens up a whole new area to probe, which is not russia-related. russia was not in this meeting. but it does still raise questions about if foreign contacts were influencing the 2016 election and as you know it's illegal for foreign countries to be involved in the u.s. elections. so that is my main takeaway. this is not a probe winding down. >> kevin, your thoughts, normal, abnormal characteristics of what we know about this so far? >> first and foremost, the saudis and the israelis working together is very interesting global development. but with regards to this specific story, i think we have to know that this is a foreign
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government that have tried to influence and build relationships with both democrats and republican presidential nominees for quite some time. now, president trump's critics say this investigation needs to continue. the republicans say this is something that is just the latest development. there's no evidence of any collusion. either way, it's important to note that bob mueller is operating on his own timeline. he's not operating on any other political timeline in terms of the midterm elections. and quite frankly, i think that these types of meeting with foreign adversaries, look no further than other republicans who have also arranged meetings with foreign governments. the issue becomes whether or not they are registering with a regulation known as farrah.
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that is something washington, d.c. has to reckon with for several years to come. >> let's stay on topic and go to the president's tweet from last night pressuring the justice department to release information about the fbi informant. he seems to be very sure of himself that the fbi used this informant for the soul purpose of helping hillary clinton. liz? >> yeah, this was very interesting to me. how juice di house judiciary republicans have been furthering this line saying the russia investigation was a deep state quote/unquote conspiracy against him. and this is the latest development in that theory he's advancing. a counter narrative to what mr. mueller is doing. and when he said a year ago he believed the president obama had wire-tapped him. he never gave evidence of that. now rudy giuliani is connecting that to the latest report of an informant. which as we know from reports,
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this was the academic who lived in london who was asked by the fbi to meet with carter page and george papadopoulos to see after the fbi had learned they had contacts with russians, they were concerned about that and wanted to get more information on it. and you had christopher wraiy testify in congress this week saying if this person's identity is disclosed, we can't keep them safe. and america will be less safe if this person's identity is disclosed. so you almost could see this setting up a showdown between hill republicans supporting president trump, trying to protect him from this probe, in a showdown with christopher wray, a trump appointee who wants to keep the fbi informants safe, which would be interesting to watch. >> kevin, go ahead. >> interesting to say the least. i totally agree with liz because this is becoming so political. and that is really what is at
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stake here. that the congressional investigations, the congressal testimonies and what-have-you, both democrats and republicans alike are using it to frame this narrative. and bob mueller's not paying attention to any of that. bob mueller is operating on his own timeline and his own investigation. and he's not going to be, you know, influenced. we have not seen evidence that he would influence that. so it's a completely independent investigation. and one, as we inch closer to the midterms, really, if you are trying to factor in who wins the midterms or what it means for policy, you have to look at the timetable of no one knows when it is going to happen. he could release something to totally help republicans or democrats. and we just don't know. that could be a huge influencer in driving turnout for republicans and democrats ahead of the november midterm elections. >> to say the least, right? to say the least. liz, let's go to you, you are out with a new report on how
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democrats are again ready to take over chairmansh ship's sea. when you look at the democrats, how are they preparing for the oversight bonanza, if you will? >> house democrats have been incredibly frustrated over the past year and a half because the trump administration doesn't answer letters or inquiries, which is fairly normal when one party controls both congress and the white house. but it's a little more pronounced. they just seem to have no fear of the minority party when they say they write a letter to mr. zinke to ask for information that they want to look into or investigate. there's a lack of responsiveness there and they are in the minority, they are shut out. the house republicans do not seem very interested in aggressive oversight. it's a very political exercise
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right now. so if house democrats win by a narrow marger, like many say will happen these midterms, they would gain control of all the committees. and 21 committee chairman have the power to talk to them. everything they have been stewing and wanting to bring in focus, bring on tv, such as mr. trump's tax returns. you know, looking into how much tax -- well, that would be the next step. >> that's the divide among democrats when they are campaigning in the house of representatives is whether or not they want to waste time on impeachment. when you have conner lamb who won the southwestern district outside of pennsylvania saying he would be against that because it's a waste of sometime, there's a divide in the democratic party to shake the time zones but the cycle. more will play out in policy and
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on whether or not they need to have impeachment problems. thank you. we'll see you shortly. more details on the deadly shooting in santa fe, texas. in a statement saying, they are as shocked and confused as anyone else. also offering prayers and condolences to all the victims. ten people were killed in the attack and several other wounded. dan schenamen has more for us. >> reporter: students escorted by police return to santa fe high school to gather belongings abandoned when the shots were fire. themry of the lives lost still in their mind. >> i came to school guedepresse and she would smile, trying to
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make me feel better. >> reporter: dimitrios pa pagourtzis is responsible for this attack. >> weapon don't want the shooting to be our legacy. we want to be stronger than that. we're better than that. >> reporter: a community that doesn't want to be defined by tragedy. dan schenamen, nbc news. i do not recall. the 54 times donald trump jr. seemed to forget something during the congressional testimony. parallel parking job". [ drum roll ] ...emily lapier from ames, iowa. this is emily's third nomination and first win.
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let's not get distracted here, alex. everything we're hearing today from all corners indicates that it's simply not true. the president appears to be engaged in another strategy and if you say it enough, people will start believing it. >> frank figliuzzi there talking to my colleague alex witt analyzing president trump's attacks on the fbi. up the president tweeted, if the fbi or doj was infiltrating a campaign for the benefit of another campaign, that's a really big deal. joining me is danny cevallos. the president believes they were favoring one campaign. but when you look at this, are there legal grounds why the fbi might have sought to investigate this investigation?
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>> sure. they could have been doing anything else with russian involveme involvement. this could be a valid concern for the fbi. on the other hand, president trump's concerns are not completely out there. if there is evidence that she was from the other political party. >> supporting the house gop's request, please unmask the informant. senator warren, vice chair of the intel committee, said it would be at best, responsibility. and at worst, whpotentially illegal. at what point does this get really ugly, or is it already
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there? >> it is ugly. but controversial informants or human sources are an essential part of law enforcement. as a defense attorney, we find the people who have some benefit from the government or own level of cull kablt and trying to collaborate -- of cultivate and trying to collaborate. this is what happens when you deal with human sources like this. the identity has to become secret until they become a cooperating witness, which means they have testified in the open
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court. >> donald trump jr. is having meetings, these aren't with the russians, but with a big gop donor. and israeli specialists in social media. a golf adversary hoping to win the 2016 election. "the times" says this could be the first time that countries other than russia may have been involved in this. >> the federal campaign act is very broad in its prohibitions. it includes in-kind contributions. that means if canada won -- with that broad of prohibition, that extends to the foreign government. if any foreign national and any
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one to do with foreign involvement with an american campaign, given that broad definition, it is very easy to violate your campaign. that's something the trump team needs to be mindful of in the next week. >> staying on donald trump jr. here, word is that congressional testimony over 50 times. he's saying i do not recall. legitimate legal response, maneuver, is this uncommon 54 times? >> we have to note, there's a very big difference between i don't know and a time. by the way, i may not remember and you know the meetings.
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as a defense attorney, i would advise a client if you are not sure, do not guess. so the fact that he's taken it over 50 times and said i don't know or i can't recall. he's going to be anywhere near a cost, but saying i don't know is going to be proven false by circumstantial evidence. use i don't know and i don't recall at your own coaching. >> rudy mueller says the for a roe -- we are on unprecedented government here. when we deal with the government
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in the white-collar u.s. attorneys, are not limited in the targeting of a witness. this is different because it's the president and has to be. because of the inevitable showdown that would come if the subpoena came and the president tried to oppose it. >> danny cevallos, thank you for getting up with us. appreciate it. the meeting at the white house this week that could be critical. alice is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression
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looking ahead to tomorrow, president trump will host south korea's president kim moon. what are we seeing, kevin
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cirilli? >> we have seen criticism from kim jong-un with concern that john bolten, who said the u.s. would follow the libyan model, then you got north korea leader kim jong-un saying, wait a minute, we are not going to do that. peace talks are off if that's the case. president trump backing off that comment saying that was never the model. south korean president moon saying these will play a huge role in the denuclearization talks. >> liz, what do you put it at? 50/50? >> well, it's interesting how north korea keeps upping the ante. i think they might think they are in a good negotiating position because president trump has been so vocal about claiming credit for getting this meeting
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on the call -- it wouldn't look good if it got canceled. so a training exercise with north korea and south korea didn't like was canceled. that's a big concession. and north korea is demanding the return of restaurant workers who defected to south korea. so it will be interesting to see what happens with that. >> you have a brand new secretary of state. 15 seconds to you. >> if kim jong-un wants investment to build infrastructure, then he's going to have to play ball. i think the u.s. and our allies have the upper hand in regards to these talks. >> that's it for me. top of the hour, "politics nation." "your business" is next.
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